DEM Folder Structure

I’ve wanted to automate the creation of the VMware Dynamic Folder structure for some time, and I finally got around to it. I’ve uploaded these onto GitHub vBrit/DEM-FSLogix (

DEM PowerShell Script

Just edit the following to match the requirements and that should be all that is needed.

Note I tested this on a Windows Server 2019 with File and Storage Services enabled before I ran this.

$DriveLetter = 'C:'
$FolderConfiguration = 'Configuration'
$ConfigShareName = 'DEM-Config'
$FolderProfiles = 'Profiles'
$ProfileShareName = 'DEM-Profile'
$DEMAdmins = 'DEM - Admins'
$DEMUsers = 'Domain Users'
$DEMComputers = 'Domain Computers'

I used the Horizon View Persona Management Share Validation Tool to validate the Profile Share is correct.

and I also managed to create FSLogix script also

FSLogix Script